My sister Meaghan has inspired me to make a gratitude list. She is on a "get happy" kick. In her blog today,, Meaghan wrote that we could all decide to be happy. I actually think it is a good idea; after all, I started the year off writing that I wanted to be more positive about life. You will notice that I haven’t posted since then.
So here is a list of the things that I can think that make me happy. This is just for today, tomorrow may be a different story and I will hate the garden I tend to as the damn thing needs to be watered and the weeds are taking over. However for today it is all fairies and rose buds Tralala.
In no particular order:
Spending time with family, near and far
Warm gentle breezes
Completing art projects
Reading my sister’s work
My grrls
Listening to good music (so subjective!)
Bike rides on the Don River Trail